Scale customer reach and grow sales with AskHandle chatbot
Last updated: January 8, 2024

What Is Command Center?

The Command Center is a section where you can manage the information that the chatbot is trained on and add/edit responses for Interactive Options.

Log in to your AskHandle account, hover over the left sidebar menu and click on the menu item “Command Center” to access it.

Training the chatbot with specific information

Training your chatbot in the Command Center is a very straightforward process. The way your chatbot responds to queries or generates content largely depends on the information you provide and its structure. This process of training and setting up the chatbot is called the "Fine-Tuning" phase. Essentially, it's about teaching the chatbot to provide specific information and communicate in your typical style.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to Command Center

Log in to your AskHandle user account and go to Command Center.

  1. Select the Data Source Mode

Selecting the appropriate data source mode is important to ensure that you receive answers and generate content that aligns with your requirements. Below, we provide a detailed overview of the three available modes, enabling you to identify the option that best suits your specific needs.

AskHandle provides three "Data Source Modes" to select from: "General Data", "Your Own Data", and "Combined Data".

  • General Data Mode

In General Data Mode, AskHandle creates content and provides answers using publicly available information, primarily from the internet. This mode harnesses the standard capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), which make it suitable for a wide array of prompts, content generation, and for swiftly providing answers to many common questions.

It is important to note that General Data Mode does not use any proprietary information you may have uploaded for customization purposes.

  • Your Own Data Mode

In Your Own Data Mode, AskHandle uses only the information you have uploaded for customization to generate content and provide answers. It will not access or supply any information beyond what you have provided.

Furthermore, this mode is designed to omit small talk; therefore, casual phrases like “thank you,” “bye,” or “great” will not prompt a social response from AskHandle unless such interactions are included in your uploaded data.

If AskHandle encounters questions it cannot answer with the provided data, it will revert to a default “contact us” message. You can customize this message in the Appearance section of your AskHandle dashboard, under Option 2.

  • Combined Data Mode

Combined Data Mode is the default setting where AskHandle gives priority to the information you have uploaded for customization, ensuring that all responses and content creation are based on your data. This mode allows for small talk, meaning that casual greetings and farewells such as “hello” and “goodbye” will be acknowledged and answered suitably.

Please note that in this mode, AskHandle will not offer specific details about other companies, products, or services unless you have explicitly included that information in your uploaded data.

We recommend using the "Combined Data" mode. This strategy optimizes chatbot efficacy, ensuring it consistently delivers meaningful interactions to your customers.

  1. Add a Data Source

After selecting the Data Source Mode, click the "Add Data Source" button to begin training your chatbot. We offer three methods to input your training material:

Document Files: Upload DOCX, PDF, CSV, or .TXT files using the "Choose File" button or by dragging and dropping your files. Note: Only one file can be uploaded per Data Source. If you'd like the chatbot to learn from multiple documents, create separate Data Sources for each.

Plain Text: Input text directly, whether by pasting it in the plain text field or simply by writing text in the plain text field. The chatbot will internalize and respond based on this input when customers pose related queries.

Webpage URL: Direct the chatbot to a webpage for learning. If you specify a URL, the chatbot will scan and learn its content. However, be cautious: many websites, especially major ones like Instagram or StackOverflow, restrict chatbots from accessing and utilizing their content. This method is best suited for webpages you manage or have clear, unrestricted content.

  1. Save the Data Source

After adding your materials, click the "Save Data Source" button.

  1. Monitor the Processing Status

Post saving, you'll notice a status indicator. Initially, it will display UNPROCESSED, indicating your chatbot is assimilating the provided materials. This phase typically lasts between 10 and 20 seconds, though it may vary based on the volume of content. After 10-20 seconds have passed, simply refresh the page.

Once the chatbot completes its learning, the status will update to PROCESSED, indicating your chatbot ready to assist.

Setting up Interactive Options

Interactive options are AI-powered, quick-reply buttons that provide information with a simple click. Unlike static buttons, they offer dynamic responses. The text on each button acts as a query or prompt, which the AI uses to generate answers based on the fine-tuned data you've provided.

Locate the "Edit" button; they can be found next to the interactive options in Command Center.

Click on the "Edit" button to open the interactive options' settings. Here, you can change the text on each button to better suit your needs.

After editing the text, make sure to save your adjustments by clicking the "Save" button. This will ensure your changes are applied and visible to users.

Removing Interactive Options

Click the "Edit" button next to the interactive option you wish to remove.

In the edit mode, you will see an option to uncheck the "Show Button" box. Unselect this option to hide the button from view.

Click on the "Save" button to finalize the removal of the interactive option. The button will no longer be displayed.

Remember, interactive options are there to make the experience more engaging for the user, so consider carefully how each edit or removal might affect their experience.

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