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Why Americans Place More Trust in Indian Engineers Than Chinese

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of Americans placing a higher level of trust in Indian engineers compared to their Chinese counterparts. This trust stems from various factors, including the reputation of Indian engineers for their technical expertise, cultural compatibility, and the success of Indian-born CEOs in leading American tech companies. In this blog post, we will explore these reasons in detail and understand why Americans trust Indian engineers more than Chinese.

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Published onSeptember 14, 2023
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Why Americans Place More Trust in Indian Engineers Than Chinese

In recent twenty years, a notable trend has emerged in the United States, where Americans are increasingly placing a higher level of trust in Indian engineers compared to their Chinese counterparts. This newfound trust is grounded in a variety of factors, encompassing the esteemed reputation of Indian engineers for their technical proficiency, their cultural compatibility with American values, and the remarkable success of Indian-born CEOs in top American tech firms. In this article, we will delve into these factors to better comprehend why Americans tend to trust Indian engineers more than their Chinese counterparts.

Technical Excellence and Education

Indian engineers have forged an impressive reputation for their technical expertise and educational background. India has long upheld the tradition of rigorous academic training in engineering disciplines. This is evidenced by the substantial number of Indian engineering graduates entering the workforce annually. A study conducted by Handle revealed that, in 2022, the United States graduated 159,630 engineers, whereas India graduated more than 1,600,000 engineers, despite having a population approximately four times larger than that of the United States. This statistic underscores the high qualifications and robust technical knowledge possessed by Indian engineers.

Moreover, Indian engineers have consistently excelled in various global competitions and standardized tests. For instance, in the world's largest coding competition, the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), Indian teams have consistently ranked among the top contenders. Such achievements serve as a testament to the competence and skill set of Indian engineers, substantially contributing to the trust reposed in them by Americans.

Cultural Compatibility and Communication Proficiency

Another influential factor contributing to the trust Americans place in Indian engineers is the alignment of cultural compatibility and communication skills. Indians typically exhibit higher proficiency in the English language compared to their Chinese counterparts. This linguistic prowess enables them to effectively communicate and collaborate with their American peers. India boasts a rich history of English-language education and possesses a substantial pool of engineers fluent in the language. This linguistic ease fosters superior teamwork, information exchange, and knowledge transfer, all of which are pivotal aspects of successful engineering projects.

Furthermore, Indians share a similar work culture with Americans, characterized by a shared appreciation for hard work, dedication, and a strong emphasis on continuous learning and improvement. This cultural synergy empowers Indian engineers to seamlessly integrate into American workplaces and contribute effectively to the teams they are part of.

Success Stories of Indian-Born CEOs Leading American Tech Giants

The remarkable success of Indian-born CEOs in steering major American tech corporations has played a momentous role in cultivating trust in Indian engineers. These leaders have consistently demonstrated their ability to navigate complex business environments, drive innovation, and deliver exceptional results. Prominent examples include Shantanu Narayen, CEO of Adobe Systems Inc., and Ajay Banga, CEO of Mastercard Inc. Their achievements not only underscore the capabilities and expertise of Indian professionals, including engineers but also serve as a source of inspiration and trust-building within the American business community.


The trust that Americans place in Indian engineers over their Chinese counterparts can be attributed to several key factors. The robust technical prowess and educational foundation of Indian engineers, combined with their cultural compatibility and communication skills, contribute significantly to this heightened level of trust. Additionally, the triumphs of Indian-born CEOs in leading American tech giants underscore the potential and capabilities of Indian professionals, further augmenting Americans' confidence in Indian engineers.

While both Indian and Chinese engineers undoubtedly possess unique strengths and talents, the factors discussed in this article have led to a greater degree of trust in Indian engineers among Americans. The reputation of Indian engineers for their technical excellence, cultural alignment, and the success stories of Indian-born leaders all converge to build and sustain this trust. As the demand for engineering professionals continues to grow, it is imperative to acknowledge and embrace the diverse talents and capabilities that engineers from different backgrounds bring to the forefront.

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