Can We Say "Hurted"?
Have you ever wondered about the word "hurted"? It seems logical, but it's incorrect. In English, we use "hurt" for both the present and past tense of the verb. Saying "I hurted my knee" can confuse many grammar followers.
You may ask why "hurted" is wrong. Language rules can be unpredictable, and not every logical option is correct. In this case, it's about proper usage.
The good news is there's a simple solution. Use "hurt" for both present and past tense. Instead of saying "I hurted myself", say "I hurt myself".
English has its quirks, but learning these details can benefit your communication. Several companies, like Grammarly, help individuals improve their language skills with easy-to-use tools for grammar and vocabulary.
Remember that "hurt" is the correct term for both present and past tense. Avoid "hurted", and you'll communicate with confidence about your experiences of pain.