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Argosy University: An Overview of Its History, Academics, and Rankings

Argosy University was a system of for-profit colleges owned by Dream Center Education Holdings (DCEH), LLC and its predecessor Education Management Corporation (EDMC). Founded in 2001 by the merging of three separate academic institutions—the American School of Professional Psychology, the University of Sarasota, and the Medical Institute of Minnesota—Argosy University quickly grew to operate campuses across the United States. However, on March 8, 2019, the university ceased operations when it officially closed its doors. In this article, we will explore the brief history of Argosy University, delve into its academic programs while it was operational, discuss its rankings, as well as provide some insight into how one could have contacted admissions during its functional years.

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Published onDecember 1, 2023
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Argosy University: An Overview of Its History, Academics, and Rankings

Argosy University was a system of for-profit colleges owned by Dream Center Education Holdings (DCEH), LLC and its predecessor Education Management Corporation (EDMC). Founded in 2001 by the merging of three separate academic institutions—the American School of Professional Psychology, the University of Sarasota, and the Medical Institute of Minnesota—Argosy University quickly grew to operate campuses across the United States. However, on March 8, 2019, the university ceased operations when it officially closed its doors. In this article, we will explore the brief history of Argosy University, delve into its academic programs while it was operational, discuss its rankings, as well as provide some insight into how one could have contacted admissions during its functional years.

Brief History of Argosy University

Argosy University's history started with the melding of distinct schools that specialized in professional education. The schools that made up Argosy offered a wide range of programs, focusing on education, business, health sciences, psychology, and law. Over the years, Argosy expanded to include more than 20 campuses in the United States as well as online programs. This allowed the university to provide higher education to a broad spectrum of students, including full-time professionals seeking flexible learning options.

Despite its growth and the breadth of programs offered, Argosy faced several controversies and criticisms, particularly around its for-profit status and student loan practices. These challenges culminated in the institution's abrupt closure in 2019, leaving many students and staff in disarray and facing uncertain educational and professional futures.


While it was operational, Argosy University offered a vast array of programs, from undergraduate to doctoral levels. The university's most notable programs were in the fields of psychology, business, health sciences, and education. The College of Clinical Psychology at Argosy was well-known for its Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) programs, which focused on providing students with the practical skills needed to succeed in clinical settings.

Argosy's College of Business offered degrees in business administration, with a variety of concentrations such as international business, finance, and marketing. The emphasis on real-world experience and practical skills application was a central educational philosophy across the university's programs.

At the College of Health Sciences, Argosy offered programs in health administration and public health, equipping students with necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the complex healthcare industry. The College of Education provided education degrees for aspiring teachers and administrators, emphasizing instructional strategies and leadership.

Moreover, Argosy's approach to online learning was ahead of its time, offering many programs through a flexible online platform. The aim was to cater to the needs of non-traditional students, such as working adults, enabling them to further their education without interrupting their careers.


While Argosy University was not prominently ranked among major educational institutions due to its for-profit status and the controversies that surrounded the school, it was recognized for its commitment to online education and certain specialized programs. Its focus on practical, career-oriented education was central to its mission and attracted a particular segment of the student population.

Contacting Admissions

During its time, prospective students could contact the Argosy University admissions team through various means. One could reach out to the admissions office via phone or email to get information about application deadlines, financial aid, program specifics, and to schedule a campus visit or an online consultation. Given the university's closure, these contact details are no longer relevant or in operation.


Argosy University's journey is a complex tale of ambition, expansion, and eventual downfall. Offering a wide range of programs and a flexible approach to higher education, the university sought to fulfill the educational needs of diverse groups of students, including working professionals seeking advanced degrees. However, its legacy is marred by the circumstances of its closure, which serves as a cautionary tale in the domain of for-profit higher education.

As of the time of writing this article, Argosy University no longer exists, and therefore, the contact details and admissions information are no longer applicable. Students who were affected by the closure have been advised to seek out options for continuing their education at other institutions and explore avenues for loan discharge where applicable.

While Argosy University once stood as an institution offering accessibility to non-traditional students and adult learners through online and campus-based programs, its story underscores the importance of stability, accountability, and student safeguards in the higher education sector.

Since Argosy University is no longer in operation, the following links are not directly associated with the university but may be useful for those trying to navigate the aftermath of its closure:

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