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Why customers do not like Indian accent customer support agents and want more localized customer support experience?

Customer support agents are often seen as the low-hanging fruit when it comes to cutting costs and improving efficiency. They are often paid less than other employees, and their jobs can be outsourced to cheaper countries. Additionally, customer support agents are often blamed for poor customer satisfaction, even though they are often just the messengers.

Written byLauren McBee
Published onOctober 7, 2023
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Why customers do not like Indian accent customer support agents and want more localized customer support experience?

In today's globalized world, it is becoming increasingly common for companies to outsource their customer support operations to overseas call centers. One of the most popular destinations for outsourcing customer support is India. Indian call centers are known for their low costs and large pool of English-speaking workers. But many customers express dissatisfaction with Indian accent customer support agents.

Reasons why customers may not like Indian accent customer support agents

There are a number of reasons why customers may not like Indian accent customer support agents. One reason is that it can be difficult to understand Indian accents. This is especially true for customers who are not native English speakers. Even customers who are native English speakers may have difficulty understanding Indian accents, especially if the call center agent is speaking quickly or with a strong accent.

Another reason why customers may not like Indian accent customer support agents is that they may feel that these agents are not culturally competent. Indian call center agents may not understand American culture or slang, which can lead to misunderstandings. Customers may also feel that Indian call center agents are less knowledgeable about the products or services they are supporting. This is because Indian call center agents are often paid lower wages and have less training than their American counterparts.

In addition to the above reasons, customers may also prefer localized customer support experiences for the following reasons:

  • They want to speak to someone who understands their culture and language. Customers want to be able to communicate their problems clearly and concisely, and they want to be able to understand the solutions that the customer support agent offers. When customers have to struggle to communicate with a customer support agent, it can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction.

  • They want to speak to someone who is knowledgeable about the products or services they are supporting. Customers want to be able to get help from someone who knows about the specific problems they are experiencing. When customers speak to a customer support agent who is not familiar with their products or services, it can be a waste of time and lead to further frustration.

  • They want to speak to someone who is empathetic and understanding. Customers want to feel like the customer support agent cares about their problems and is committed to helping them find a solution. When customers feel like the customer support agent is not listening to them or does not care about their problems, it can lead to negative customer satisfaction.

Why people think overseas support agents have less credibility and that will even decrease customer satisfaction

There are a number of reasons why people may think that overseas support agents have less credibility than domestic support agents.

One reason is that overseas support agents are often seen as being less knowledgeable about the products or services they are supporting. This is because overseas support agents are often paid lower wages and have less training than their domestic counterparts.

Another reason why people may think that overseas support agents have less credibility is that they may have difficulty understanding Indian accents. This is especially true for customers who are not native English speakers. Even customers who are native English speakers may have difficulty understanding Indian accents, especially if the call center agent is speaking quickly or with a strong accent.

Finally, people may think that overseas support agents are less credible because they are not physically located in the same country as the customer. This can lead to a feeling of distance and distrust. Customers may feel like overseas support agents are not as committed to helping them as domestic support agents.

How new AI chatbot technology can help with this issue

New AI chatbot technology can help to address the challenges associated with overseas customer support in a number of ways. First, AI chatbots can provide customers with a localized customer support experience. AI chatbots can be trained to understand different languages and cultures, which means that customers can communicate with AI chatbots in their preferred language and get help from AI chatbots that understand their cultural context.

Second, AI chatbots can be trained to be knowledgeable about a wide range of products and services. This means that AI chatbots can provide customers with accurate and helpful information about the problems they are experiencing.

Third, AI chatbots can be trained to be empathetic and understanding. AI chatbots can be programmed to identify and respond to customer emotions, which means that customers can feel like they are getting help from someone who cares about their problems.

In addition to the above benefits, AI chatbots can also help to reduce the costs associated with customer support. AI chatbots can handle a large volume of customer inquiries without the need for human intervention, which can save companies money on labor costs.

Overall, new AI chatbot technology has the potential to revolutionize customer support by providing customers with a localized, knowledgeable, and empathetic customer support experience at a lower cost.

Overseas SupportIndian Accent SupportChatbotAI
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