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When Should a Startup Hire Its First Customer Success Manager?

Startups often face numerous challenges when it comes to building and scaling their business. One crucial aspect that can make or break the success of a startup is customer satisfaction and retention. This is where a customer success manager (CSM) comes into play. A customer success manager is responsible for ensuring that customers have a positive experience with a product or service, leading to increased customer satisfaction, retention, and ultimately, business growth.

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Published onAugust 29, 2023
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When Should a Startup Hire Its First Customer Success Manager?

Startups often face numerous challenges when it comes to building and scaling their business. One crucial aspect that can make or break the success of a startup is customer satisfaction and retention. This is where a customer success manager (CSM) comes into play. A customer success manager is responsible for ensuring that customers have a positive experience with a product or service, leading to increased customer satisfaction, retention, and ultimately, business growth.

But when should a startup hire its first customer success manager? This is a question that many founders and CEOs grapple with. In this blog post, we will explore the factors to consider and provide insights into the right time to hire a customer success manager for a startup.

The Importance of Customer Success

Before diving into the timing of hiring a customer success manager, let's understand why customer success is crucial for startups. Customer success goes beyond traditional customer support. It involves actively working with customers to help them achieve their desired outcomes and maximize the value they receive from a product or service.

Startups need to prioritize customer success from the early stages because it directly impacts growth and revenue. By focusing on customer success, startups can reduce churn, increase customer satisfaction, and drive expansion revenue through upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

Early Signs of Needing a Customer Success Manager

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to when a startup should hire its first customer success manager, there are some common signs that indicate the need for one. Let's explore a few of these signs:

  1. Growing Customer Base: As a startup acquires more customers, the demand for personalized attention and support increases. A customer success manager can proactively engage with customers, understand their needs, and address any issues or concerns.

  2. High Churn Rate: If a startup is experiencing a significant churn rate, it's a clear indicator that there might be gaps in customer onboarding, training, or support. A customer success manager can work closely with customers to understand their challenges and ensure a smooth onboarding process.

  3. Increasing Upselling and Cross-selling Opportunities: When a startup realizes that a substantial portion of its sales is coming from existing customers through upselling and cross-selling, it's a sign that they need a dedicated resource to nurture and expand these customer relationships. A customer success manager can identify opportunities for growth and drive customer adoption of additional features or services.

  4. Limited Time and Resources: Founders and early employees of a startup often wear multiple hats and juggle various responsibilities. As the business grows, it becomes challenging to handle customer success alongside other essential tasks. Hiring a customer success manager allows the team to focus on their core strengths while ensuring that customers receive the attention they deserve.

  5. Product-Market Fit: Once a startup has validated its product-market fit and starts gaining traction, it's an ideal time to invest in customer success. A customer success manager can help maximize the value customers derive from the product and foster long-term relationships.

The Right Time to Hire a Customer Success Manager

Based on the signs mentioned above, it is recommended that startups consider hiring their first customer success manager at the following stages:

Early Growth Stage

In the early growth stage, a startup typically has validated its product and business model. There is a steady increase in the customer base, and the need for customer success becomes evident. By hiring a customer success manager at this stage, startups can set the foundation for long-term customer satisfaction and retention.

Acquisition of Large or Strategic Customers

When a startup secures its first large or strategic customer, it signifies a significant milestone. Large customers often have unique requirements and demand a higher level of personalized attention. Hiring a customer success manager ensures that these key accounts receive the necessary support and are positioned for success.

Preparing for Expansion and Scaling

As a startup prepares for expansion and scaling, it becomes critical to have a dedicated customer success resource. A customer success manager can develop standardized processes for onboarding, training, and customer support, ensuring a consistent and positive experience for all customers. This lays the groundwork for future growth and scalability.


In today's competitive business landscape, prioritizing customer success is crucial for startups. Hiring a customer success manager at the right time can significantly impact customer satisfaction, retention, and revenue growth. While the exact timing may vary based on individual circumstances, early signs such as growing customer base, high churn rate, and increasing upselling opportunities indicate the need for a customer success manager.

By investing in customer success early on, startups can build strong customer relationships, drive product adoption, and position themselves for long-term success. So, if you're a startup founder or CEO, consider evaluating your current stage and customer needs to determine when to make your first customer success hire. Remember, it's never too early to prioritize the success of your customers.

Customer success managerStartup first hireCustomer success
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