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How to Install LLaMa 3 on Your Computer: A Complete Guide

Meta has recently unveiled LLaMa 3, the latest version of their Large Language Model (LLaMa), providing a robust tool for individuals, creators, researchers, and businesses. LLaMa 3 models range from 8 billion to 70 billion parameters, offering varying levels of complexity and capability for a wide array of applications. This guide will walk you through the detailed steps to install LLaMa 3, enabling you to experiment, innovate, and scale your ideas responsibly.

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Published onApril 24, 2024
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How to Install LLaMa 3 on Your Computer: A Complete Guide

Meta has recently unveiled LLaMa 3, the latest version of their Large Language Model (LLaMa), providing a robust tool for individuals, creators, researchers, and businesses. LLaMa 3 models range from 8 billion to 70 billion parameters, offering varying levels of complexity and capability for a wide array of applications. This guide will walk you through the detailed steps to install LLaMa 3, enabling you to experiment, innovate, and scale your ideas responsibly.


Before initiating the installation process, ensure that your system meets the following requirements:

  • Python environment with PyTorch and CUDA: It’s essential to have a Python environment with PyTorch and CUDA installed for running the models effectively.
  • Wget and md5sum: These tools are necessary for downloading and verifying the model files.
  • Git: To clone the necessary repositories.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Step 1: Set Up Your Python Environment

Start by setting up an appropriate Python environment using Conda or any virtual environment of your choice that supports PyTorch with CUDA.

conda create -n llama3 python=3.8
conda activate llama3

Step 2: Install Required Packages

Within your environment, install the necessary Python packages.

pip install torch transformers

Step 3: Clone the LLaMa 3 Repository

Clone the latest LLaMa 3 repository from Meta’s GitHub page:

git clone
cd llama3
pip install -e .

Step 4: Register and Download the Model

Register on Meta LLaMa Website

Visit the Meta LLaMa website and register to download the model. Registration is necessary to access the models and ensure compliance with Meta’s license agreements.

Download the Model

Once your registration is approved, you will receive an email with a signed URL. Note that the URL expires after 24 hours or after a certain number of downloads.

  1. Navigate to your downloaded LLaMa repository:

    cd your-path-to-llama3
  2. Run the download script:

    chmod +x

    When prompted, enter the URL from your email. Do not use the “Copy Link” option but manually copy the link to ensure accuracy.

Step 5: Running the Model

Once the model is downloaded, you can run inference using one of the provided example scripts. Adjust the parameters according to the specific model you've downloaded.

torchrun --nproc_per_node=1 \
    --ckpt_dir Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct/ \
    --tokenizer_path Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct/tokenizer.model \
    --max_seq_len 512 --max_batch_size 6

Make sure to replace the checkpoint directory and tokenizer path with your specific paths.

Additional Considerations

  • Model Parallel Values: Adjust the --nproc_per_node parameter based on the model's parallel requirements (e.g., MP value of 1 for 8B and 8 for 70B models).
  • Sequence Length and Batch Size: Adapt --max_seq_len and --max_batch_size based on your hardware capabilities and the specific requirements of your application.

Handling Issues and Feedback

If you encounter any bugs, inappropriate outputs, or other issues, Meta encourages users to report these through their designated channels:

Installing LLaMa 3 involves setting up a Python environment, registering for access, downloading the model, and configuring the inference parameters. By following these steps, you can leverage the powerful capabilities of LLaMa 3 to drive your projects forward while adhering to Meta’s guidelines for responsible AI use.

LLaMa 3MetaAI
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