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Should I Use a Digital Menu for My Restaurant?

In recent years, the restaurant industry has witnessed a significant shift towards digitalization and automation. One such innovation that has gained popularity is the use of digital menus in restaurants. By allowing customers to scan a QR code and order food directly from their smartphones, digital menus offer a convenient and streamlined dining experience. However, the question remains: should you build a digital menu for your restaurant and allow customers to order via a QR code? Will this digital ordering experience be better than traditional ordering through a waitress? Let's explore the advantages and drawbacks of using a digital menu to help you make an informed decision.

Written byDavid Thompson
Published onJuly 31, 2023
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Should I Use a Digital Menu for My Restaurant?

In recent years, the restaurant industry has witnessed a significant shift towards digitalization and automation. One such innovation that has gained popularity is the use of digital menus in restaurants. By allowing customers to scan a QR code and order food directly from their smartphones, digital menus offer a convenient and streamlined dining experience. However, the question remains: should you build a digital menu for your restaurant and allow customers to order via a QR code? Will this digital ordering experience be better than traditional ordering through a waitress? Let's explore the advantages and drawbacks of using a digital menu to help you make an informed decision.

Advantages of a Digital Menu

1. Enhanced Convenience

A digital menu provides customers with the convenience of browsing through the menu items on their own devices. They can take their time, read detailed descriptions, view images, and even filter options based on dietary preferences or allergies. This self-service approach saves customers from waiting for a staff member to attend to them, resulting in a more efficient and personalized ordering experience.

2. Increased Efficiency

By adopting a digital menu system, you can streamline your restaurant's operations. When customers place their orders directly through their smartphones, it eliminates the need for waitstaff to take down orders manually. This automation reduces the chances of human error in order taking and ensures that the kitchen receives accurate and legible orders. As a result, the overall efficiency of your restaurant can improve, leading to faster service and happier customers.

3. Upselling Opportunities

Digital menus can be designed to showcase recommended or add-on items, increasing the chances of upselling. By strategically placing enticing images and descriptions of complementary dishes or popular choices, you can encourage customers to explore additional options they might not have considered. This can lead to increased sales and a higher average check size for your restaurant.

4. Cost-Effective Solution

Implementing a digital menu can be a cost-effective alternative to printing and updating physical menus. With a digital menu, making changes to the menu items, prices, or descriptions becomes quick and easy. You can make real-time updates, saving on printing costs and minimizing waste. Additionally, a digital menu can eliminate the need for menu reprinting when you introduce seasonal specials or limited-time offers, further reducing expenses.

5. Contactless Ordering and Safety

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, contactless interactions have become crucial in ensuring the safety of customers and staff. A digital menu allows for touchless ordering, reducing the need for physical contact with menus and shared surfaces. By implementing a QR code ordering system, you can prioritize the health and safety of your customers while also complying with health guidelines and regulations.

Drawbacks of a Digital Menu

1. Technological Barriers

While digital menus offer numerous advantages, it's important to consider potential drawbacks. One significant challenge is the technological barrier that some customers may face. Not everyone may be comfortable or familiar with using smartphones or scanning QR codes. This can lead to frustration or exclusion for certain customer segments, particularly older individuals or those with limited access to smartphones or the internet.

2. Personalized Interaction

Traditional ordering through a waitress allows for direct interaction between customers and staff members. This personal touch can enhance the dining experience, as waitstaff can provide recommendations, answer questions, and attend to specific requests. With a digital menu, this personal interaction is diminished, and customers may miss the human element that comes with face-to-face interaction.

3. Potential Technical Glitches

As with any technology-driven solution, there is a possibility of technical glitches or malfunctions. Unreliable internet connections, smartphone compatibility issues, or software bugs can disrupt the smooth functioning of a digital menu system. Such interruptions can lead to delays in order processing or even a complete breakdown of the ordering process, resulting in frustration for both customers and staff.

4. Limited Accessibility

While digital menus are convenient for customers who have access to smartphones, they may exclude those who do not. It is essential to consider the accessibility needs of all customers, including those with visual impairments or other disabilities. Providing alternative options, such as printed menus or staff-assisted ordering, can ensure that everyone feels welcome and catered to in your restaurant.


In conclusion, implementing a digital menu with QR code ordering can offer various benefits for your restaurant. It enhances convenience, increases efficiency, provides upselling opportunities, and offers a cost-effective and contactless solution. However, it is crucial to recognize the potential drawbacks, such as technological barriers, reduced personalized interaction, and the possibility of technical glitches. Consider your target customer base, their technological aptitude, and the overall dining experience you aim to provide before making a decision.

While a digital menu can complement your restaurant's operations, it is essential to strike a balance by offering alternative options for customers who prefer a more traditional ordering experience. By leveraging the advantages of digital menus while mitigating the drawbacks, you can create a dining experience that caters to a wide range of preferences and ensures customer satisfaction.

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